With hair of brown and eyes of green
I wonder could be my queen
Or princess, that will do quite well
Will some flowers cast a spell
With eyes of green and hair of brown
I see you, wearing a crown
A gold tiara on your head
Entwined with roses and peonies red
With some flowers I'll cast a spell
Will you be my princess, time will tell
Tell me what your favorites are
They'll arrive by email, not by car.
At five foot three, and also slim
Wearing such a cheeky grin
If through my armour you can see
I hope you'll see the real me.
Alas, I fear I am no bard
so find this rhyming rather hard
you seem to know me (though you had a clue)
and I AM a princess, that much is true
but my error spoilt your poem - you see ....
.... I'm 5'1" not 5'3"
For you I'll have to write another
Because I'd really like to smother
You with flowers of every hew
Bejeweled by the morning dew
You mow the lawn and decorate
Now that is handy in a mate
And change the oil in your car
Skills like that will take you far
You've read Rainmaker and The Firm
Perhaps I should start to squirm
I'm trying hard not to be shady
This knight would treat you like a lady
We are both still kids at heart
And I can tell you are really smart
Five one or three, they both will do
I'll take an average, five foot two.
Seriously, tell me what your favorite flowers are, I will send you some by email
:-) Daisies - unusual I know, but there you go, I'm a 'one off' :-)
Is this where the rhymes all elude me
Because Daisies are the ones that enthrall thee
Try this for a hypertext link
I know that the scan went all awry
But it's the best a guy can but try
When he's besotted by one who's so girly
He will lose his mind, oh so surely
I just love your sense of humor
I'd hate to make a big bloomer
But I've fallen in love
With a five foot two dove
I wish it had happened much sooner
Oh no, it seems I did mislead
my new friend, a frightful deed
He talks to me in perfect rhyme
which makes me smile .... every time
but answers have to search my brain
I could even go insane
as witty answers do elude
which means I only can conclude
I must come clean and tell the truth
(this I've know, from my youth)
I have a secret - he doesn't know it
I fear my friend - I am no poet!
I sit here in the morning sun
Reading a missive from the one
Who has made my heart go tingle
While my dog consumes a pringle
I know I started this just for fun
Never thinking there was one
Who'd respond, and just like me
Enjoy the the fun of poetry
Enough of this, I need to know
More about you, where you go
What you like and how you think
And how you got the name Tinkstink
Can I meet you? is that wise?
I'd hate to spoil this compromise
I'm on a boat and can't go far
I'm thinking, do you have a car
An aside (to myself)
No, put these thoughts way on one side
Before you ask her to be your bride
You know her not, nor even met
How easily you've fallen in her net
There's something there, I know there is
Every mail I get, my brain goes fizz
The challenge is getting quite a strain
I hope we can do this again
Did you like the daisies I sent?
(I'm trying to say I can be a gent)
And treat you like the princess you are
Even if it's from afar.
So tell me, have I hit the spot
Or am I starting to lose the plot
Will you reveal yourself to me
I've tried so hard with ESP
It doesn't work, I know you not
But still I think you're really hot
I need to know more about you
So please, please, please, give me a clue.
Compared to yours, my life seems dull
You seem to live yours to the full
I go to work and do the chores,
Boring life, compared to yours
But then I look around and see
my many friends and family
My daughter - truly my best friend
My mum on whom I can depend
My son - my joy - my bodyguard
Without these life would be so hard
So I guess it seems upon reflection
My life IS full - of love and affection
Work feels good and you just can't moan
When you finally realise, you're not alone
PS Tinkstink - short for Tinkerbell - my heroine :-)
I think I'm right (I hope I'm wrong)
It seems you want to end this song
If I can't chat to Tinkerbell
I'll spend eternity in hell.
I can't demand, I will not prey
But surely there must be a way
Each day I only want a minute
Or less I'll let you set the limit.
Your heart is large and full of love
Like a fairy far above
Us mere mortals down on earth
Just sit and ponder on our worth.
So don't forsake me, I couldn't take it
In this world I couldn't make it
Without my little Tinkerbell
I'd have to find another gel
To chat to.
I like our chats, they won't end
I like my crazy hippy friend
I know my poems aren't good as yours
Where this will end - goodness knows
I'm a mum - my favourite role
That doesn't mean I have no soul
And though my hippy days have past
and old age is approaching fast
I'm living my youth through rhyme and verse
and I know that they are getting worse!
But still I like our little ditty
Bit of humour, sometimes witty
So, if you don't mind, I'd like to stay
Your poet penpal every day
You're Peter Pan to my Tinkerbell
I think that fits - very well
I'm so glad you feel like me
There's fun and wit in poetry
I meant it when I said die
If you left and passed me by
I like it when you call me friend
And the way that you pretend
To have much difficulty
Making verses rhyme like me
You're very good, I do suspect
At this rhyming you're perfect
I know I crazy, but it's recent
Since knowing you it's become frequent.
To be a mum you must have soul
Without it you would not be whole
I've only just become a hippy
In my second childhood - yippee
When subscriptions to this site expire
How will you and I acquire
Messages out in the ether
I've had a thought, if you concur
My private email, I'll supply
So if you want, you can reply
to chris@almyne.me.uk
It'll be around for more than today
'If I don't mind' you've read me well
My Peter Pan to your Tinkerbell
You've made my day on the canal
Good night, sweet dreams, my own penpal.
Roses are red, violets are blue
Busy tonight, will tomorrow do?
(cheating I know, but best I can do in 30 seconds, I'll make up for
it tomorrow xx)
Violets are blue, roses are red
Tomorrow is fine, I'm early to bed.
You know I work and I'm a mum
have girly nights and never glum
You know I worship Tinkerbell
In fact my friend you know me well
But at the moment its one sided
and so I think I have decided
It's time for you to tell me more
Kids? Job? I want to know
In short, what this really means
Its time for you to spill the beans
Well now that is quite a challenge
My life wrapped up like a lozenge
Where to start I just don't know
I'll get my memory box out of store.
Children, I have one of each
One's studying physics, the other wants to teach
My boys in his last year at university
My daughters graduated in biology
Three years I was a carer to my now departed wife
When she was on the narrow boat, 'twas her happiest time of life
So now her final resting place will not be in the ground
But all over England's waterways, in every single pound.
www.almyne.giles.me.uk is where the stories told
Of how and when and why, and some pictures bold
I retire in November, five years early, but you see
I've a mission to complete, for both her and me.
I drive, I have two vehicles, a Morris 1000 just for fun
Am ambulance, the other, for when moving is to be done
And now I've had a glass of wine, or two or three or four
You'll have to ask specifically, of the info you want more.
NB, pound, the stretch of water between two locks.
Now I will spill the beans.
When someone comes in to your life, quite unexpectedly
And plays with your emotions, inadvertently
I'm sure it's not intentional, it's really just for fun
But one of us got serious, it's me, I am the one.
When I first saw your picture, on the dating site
I thought I'd write a poem, and I hoped it might
Get a response - it did, the style hit me hard
You replied in rhyme and I, was hoisted by my own petard.
I know that you like daisies, and have children too
But apart from this, very little of you
Tell me, what's your birth sign, and your birthdate too
So I can send a birthday card and sign it Scorpio.
Your wife departed very young
That really makes me sad
But when you know the song she sung
you understand the life she had
Her last few years she lived a dream
Was loved - unconditionally
You worked together as a team
As free spirits - not traditionally
As you continue on your joint mission
I'm sure she's by your side
Marveling at your single vision
And watching on with pride
But as for me - your last question
My sign is Aquarius
Although it seems I'm on the cusp
So maybe precarious!
Wednesday's child, full of woe
According to the verse
The date gives me the key of the door
Yes, you guessed it - 21st
Aquarius and scorpio, what a firerey match
But you are on the cusp and I'm the middle of my batch
Scorpio and capricorn, a deep enduring mix
Put them both together for a long enduring fix.
For one who claims they are no bard, but princess through and through
I'm glad this rhyming makes you smile, it makes me smile too
Oh Tinkstink - short for Tinkerbell - you are my heroine
I wish that you could come with me on a slow boat to Tientsin
I'm not a man, I'm Peter Pan, you've made that plain to me
An suddenly I'm seeing life from a view I could not foresee
But I'll not look, for Captain Hook, nor for a crocodile
I'll just sit here, think Tinkerbell, my face a great big smile
I may not be a famous poet
But at last I make you smile
I hope that I will never blow it
and make you run a mile
I'll make a call to Tinkerbell
And ask if she will send
The recipe for a perfect spell
So you'll always be my friend
I've lived my life and all this time I've never had religion
But lately I've investigated the spiritual direction
The pagan course I think I'll take, it's on the web and free
To see if I can make a spell and cast it, one, two, three
I've found a piece of Blackthorn as long as my forearm
I cleaned off all the knobbly bits to keep myself from harm
Now once it has dried out, to it's spirit I'll respond
I'll decorate it, consecrate it, and turn it into a wand.
When I've got it working and proved that it is true
I'll have such fun, but must make sure that no one will ever rue
The day that I got Magik, because, my love, you see
I'll only ever change things, incrementally.
A tiny step is all I'd take, in any one direction
Whatever spells you send out, come back threefold reflection
So it is most important that what you do is right
And only ever cast a spell, when you've had an invite.
I love the spell you've asked Tinkerbell to sprinkle over me
And I know, that it is so, the immutable rule of three
Now I will always be your friend, forever it is true
And you will always be my friend, we'll never say adieu.
Wednesday night is girlies night
It's kind of a tradition
Tomorrow I will put it right
I'll make it my first mission
I'll send an even longer rhyme
Mine are rarely very long
I'll allocate quality time
I'll try not to get it wrong
It matters not how long it is,
The thought is all that mattered
The fact that you make time for me
Makes me feel so flattered.
Oh dear, it seems I was remiss
I'm late by one whole day!
For I did promise to email Chris
Please forgive my rude delay
My daughter had a huge disaster
Not one I could mend with a kiss and a plaster
You see, a friend has dyed her hair
The results are proving hard to bear
I tried all night to mend the damage
Unfortunately, I couldn't manage,
The sad results were not intentional
And this is a job for a professional!
Now it's my turn to apologise
For not getting back to you
And I can tell you no lies
I was seeing a woman new
We've chatted long upon the site
And arranged to meet for a day
I'd motored long and hard all right
I'd let nothing in my way
We met, we hugged, we kissed
Each other on our cheeks
But something in our chats we'd missed
For weeks and weeks and weeks (slight exaggeration for the purposes of the rhyme)
There was nothing special for us
But we still enjoyed a day
We parted late that night, no fuss
After a meal gourmet
From Market Harborough to Foxton Locks
It was a lovely trip
She's a Goth, she wore her Rocks
Not good on a ship
When we returned the fire I lit
To warm us through and through
And I really must admit
I was sort of feeling blue
I think that she enjoyed it
She tells me that was so
'Twas after midnight when we split
And she decided to go
We'd played cards all evening
I'd enjoyed myself
But Goths and I don't ring
I'll stay on the shelf
For a little longer.
But now to things important
Is your daughters hair now stronger
Or still having a rant.
I was so upset, when the news I heard
Please give her my best wishes
I'd cast a spell to help, if I had the word
Won't be long till it swishes.
I hope you enjoyed your Easter
And had a lot of fun
I'm told that on Monday
We will have some sun.
It seems a bug got my pc
I didn't know what to do
The wonders of modern technology
I couldn't contact you
I had to resort to womanly wiles
I thought it would do no harm
To treat our IT team to one of my smiles
As you can see - it worked a charm
I'm back on line, hip hip hooray
I really really missed it
When I saw the screen today
I very nearly kissed it!!
How sad am I?
Hope you're well
I hate PC's, I wouldn't have one, anywhere near my boat
I use a Mac, they rarely break, that's why it's got my vote
But glad to hear yours is better, recovered from it's glitch
And even gladder that, it's a temporary hitch.
So, how was your weekend, did the Easter bunny call
Delivering loads of chocolate, piled up wall to wall
I didn't get a single egg (I am secretly pleased)
'Cause every time I eat one, my hands end up all greased
It's been a really lovely day, the sun has shone out bright
Traveling in the sunshine makes me feel alright
I've done ten locks today and three miles or so
The story of my life, I just go with the flow.
I've exercised my doggie, I sent him for a swim
He loves retrieving sticks and it keeps him trim
I've put my dinner on the stove, a casserole tonight
And when I've eaten, I'm off to bed, I hope that's not impolite.
I only got one egg this year
Bought by my daughter's beau!
I very nearly shed a tear
The egg was his last Rolo :-)
Yes, like you, I didn't mind
The calories are not welcome
They seem to settle on my behind
And I find it hard to shift'em
Means extra hours at the gym
A few more classes spinning
But now my bum is rather trim
So I think I must be winning! (gosh, I'm rude)
Hope you enjoyed your tea tonight
And now tucked up safe in bed
Keep safe, sweet dreams, and please sleep tight
Night night sleepy head
Laughed, I was hysterical, I fell off my chair
When I read your little rhyme, about your Easter fare
It took me forever to compose myself
And when I did I laughed again, silly little elf.
At last I got back on my chair, still chuckling I admit
And then I was off again, another laughing fit
I laughed, I cried, I shed a tear, I nearly split my sides
If I hadn't slapped myself I would have gone pop eyed
I hooted, hallooed, chuckled and giggled for a while
Eventually I calmed down and just sat here with a smile
Thinking of what to write to you, but when an idea came
As soon as I hit the keys, I started off again.
You've heard the Laughing Policeman, he's not a patch on me
Oh Tinkerbell, you ring my bell, and fill my life with glee
I wonder if we ever meet, would we be tongue tied
Or would we both start rapping, (people glancing goggle-eyed)
You've made my day, I'll go my way, with smile on my face
Thinking of your little rhyme, while traveling apace
I'll settle down this evening, with a little grin
And if I go back and read it, I know I'll start again.
Goodness, what a busy week
I've hardly had a minute!
I managed just a sneaky peak
At your rhyme and what was in it
I'm pleased I brought a little smile
To your pixie face
But, you laughed, smirked and giggled - while
My bum - was having a race!
It challenged my ever growing hips
to see who could expand
my bum - it made the sun eclipse
Stretchy as an elastic band!
I tried to diet I really did
Ate lettuce every day
Biscuits, chocolate and puddings hid
To keep out of my way
I ran and jogged and lifted weights
to stop the fat from landing
But even my most loyal mates
could see my bum expanding
I think I've found someone I like, I hope this won't offend
But I'd still like to write to you, you are my best pen friend
It's because I'm a male, and that's they way they think
If this doesn't work for me, I still yearn for my TINKSTINK
I met her on the dating site, the same place I met you
And I know it's wrong, to chat up, women, two
Although we've 'sort of' flirted, I think that we both know
That we live much too far apart, for a love to grow.
I will be very sorry if you decide that we can't talk
But I will understand, if to continue makes you baulk
I really have enjoyed our chats, and never will forget
I've savored every crumb of verse, just like a fresh baguette.
I do have one big favour, this is what I'd like to do
I want to tell the story, 'bout what happened 'twixt me and you
I want to put it on the web, for all the world to see
So that someone, somewhere, sometime, can read it happily
And take from it a morsel, of what we had together
The fun, the wit, the anguish, and how it took forever
To compose a verse, however bad, from you to me, and back
I've learnt from you, once started, just keep right on the track.
Chris, I am delighted,
You've finally met your mate
You must be so excited
With each and every date
I hope your new found love can see
She's got one of the best
A happy, loving, special pixie
Who stands out from the rest
Of course I'll still send silly rhymes
As long as you don't mind
They are, to me, such special times
You are one of a kind
You can show the whole world wide
The verses that we share
We sometimes laughed and sometimes cried
Our friendship, very rare