The adventures of Almyne

A long time ago when I was in the full flush of youth, game for anything and in full time employment, I rose early every morning and usually went to bed late each evening. This regime made getting up in the morning somewhat of a difficulty so I got myself an alarm clock.
It worked.
Every morning it went off and I woke up with a start, AlaRmED.

After a not inconsiderable time of waking up every morning AlaRmED I decided that I had had enough, I was going to get rid of the alarm clock. But what would I do then? how would I ensure that I would be able to rise each day to attend to my responsibilities?
I figuratively threw the alarm clock out of the window, picked it up, re-named it to 'an opportunity clock' and put it back on the bedside table.
Now when I set it, I wake the following morning to the dulcet sounds of my opportunity clock reminding me that here is another day to enjoy, so get up and enjoy it, after all, it may be your last.