Sat, 1 Jan 2011I've made my resolutions, one minute past midnight
To lead a life of sobriety, lose weight, if just a mite
To cut down on my smoking, that will be quite hard
And exercise, to make me fit, in natures great back yard
I've put my ciggie in the bin, the last for me I'm sure
There's not many choccies left, I'll just finish off those four
Look, two cans of beer, sitting on the shelf
If I finish them right now, no more temptation for myself
It's cold outside, and rather wet, I'll exercise tomorrow
Should I knock on next doors boat, see if there's a ciggie I can borrow
I like my life, why should I change, there's nothing wrong with me
Perhaps I just need someone close, to be a referee
Tue, 4 Jan 2011I usually check the oil in the engine most days, but when not travelling I sometimes leave it for a day or so. Today, because I was planning to travel, I checked the oil and found that the level has risen by nearly an inch. Now I know what this means, it has happened before. There is a leak of diesel inside the engine, which ends up in the sump, thinning the oil and potentially causing major problems.
Got hold of the number of a marine engineer and gave him a ring. Now this is the first day back at work after the Christmas break, so he was potentially very busy. However, I explained that without the engine I had no battery power, so it was quite important. He turned up that afternoon and drained the diesel out of the sump, dismantled the engine and tightened everything up. Still a bit of a leak. Needed some new washers and things.
He disappeared to get the spares saying that he would be back early in the morning. I was very frugal with the lights this evening.
Wed, 5 Jan 20113 miles 2 locks
Engineer turned up with the new washers and things and assembled the engine. Filled it up with oil and said that he thought it would be all right.
Moved on from Cowley, I was going stir crazy. The intention was to go to Uxbridge boat yard to try to get them to weld up the floor board supports on the rear deck. One one side they had rusted away and every time I stood on the left hand side I fell through into the engine compartment. Well, I would have done if I had not got a piece of wood covering everything. (Part of the reason for not checking the oil every day, it was so much hassle.)
Cruised up the canal, through the first lock and started looking for the boat yard. Missed it and went through the next lock as well. Realised that I had missed it and moored up at the first opportunity.
Walked back and found out where I should have pulled in for the boat yard.
Checked the oil level. Now the engineer had told me that the oil level was 'right on the mark' on the dip stick. On checking the level after a couple of hours running it looked as if it was about a quarter of an inch above the 'mark'. Not good.
Must keep an eye on it and check back with the engineer.
Thu, 6 Jan 2011Just too cold and wet to move today so stayed put, worrying about the engine.
Fri, 7 Jan 20111 mile 1 lock
Back towards Uxbridge today. Still not comfortable with the injector repairs so wanted to stay fairly close to the marine engineer who had attempted to fix it.
Called in at the boat yard and persuaded them to weld up the engine cover board supports. Took about an hour and the result was good.
Checked the oil, no change in levels, perhaps the repair has worked properly, or maybe, when the engineer filled up the sump with oil, not all of it had drained down and his level check was not absolutely correct. Time will tell.
Sat, 8 Jan 20113½ miles 3 locks
Must get away from this area, too many walls and too many people. I've been here much too long.
Checked the oil, still no change in level, I am beginning to feel a little more comfortable about it.
Sun, 9 Jan 20114½ miles 5 locks
From Widewater lock towards Batchworth lock. Teamed up with a couple who were delivering a boat somewhere. Whilst working the first lock, the woman said to me that she recognised the boat because her husband had found the plaque that used to sit on the side of Almyne, the one that says 'Be kind to strangers, one day you might be one'.
It must have fallen of Almyne at a lock on the way to Bristol the first year that we had the boat. On the way back from Bristol we got to the lock again and a guy said, 'Don't go anywhere I have something of yours, I'll get it for you as soon as I have walked the dog'.
So we waited, he returned, went to his boat and came back out with our plaque. I have since had the plaque replaced by painting the slogan and the butterfly on both sides and keep the plaque inside Almyne, I really don't want to lose it.
We travelled as far as Batchworth together, where I stopped off and went to the supermarket.
I had planned to stay a while here as I had found a dentist and a doctor on the internet that I wanted to call on.
Mon, 10 Jan 2011Set off bright and early in to town to book appointments at the doctors and the dentist. Achieved both goals.
Spent the rest of the days walking D'fer

and investigating the town, not a lot here really.
Tue, 11 Jan 2011Went to the doctors. I have this growth on my ear, I think it's called a polyps, it's a bit like a wart, but it feels more like a horn sticking out of my ear and is just a little uncomfortable. Anyway, the description of the doctors surgery on the internet said that they do minor surgery at the clinic. On examining my growth the doctor said that she would have to refer me to the hospital at Watford and I could expect an appointment there in about four to six weeks. I discussed with her the 'Choose and book' service offered by the NHS and she explained that in her area this had been superseded by some other system. Had I called in six weeks ago I could have done the Choose and Book thing, but not any more. Spit.
Wandered in to town and found out where the launderette was and arranged to drop off a couple of loads of washing for a service wash to be collected tomorrow.
Wed, 12 Jan 20111 mile 1 lock
Dentist today. After his examination and me explaining my fear of dentists he said that wanted to refer me to the hospital at Watford and I could expect an appointment there in about four to six weeks. I have heard this before somewhere.
Collected my laundry, returned to Almyne and said to myself, 'OK I'm out of here'.
A quick trip to the supermarket again and up to the lock where I emptied the porta pottie, filled up with water and got rid of all my rubbish and set of to find somewhere out in the sticks to stay for a few days.
Thu, 13 Jan 20111 /12 miles 2 locks
Not far again today, but at least I feel as if I am getting somewhere. As I moored up a guy wandered along to Almyne and we started chatting. His name is Rob

he invited me to a beer, which I accepted as it is a good introduction. He has two Belgian Shepherd bitches, one five months old and the other six months old, great company for D'fer. He has been moored here for a few weeks and is getting the urge to move on.
Mon, 17 Jan 20112½ miles 6 locks
At least it was sunny today. Rob

and I shared the locks and soon got into a rhythm. I would go ahead and get the lock prepared and Rob
would follow on. On leaving the locks, he would stay behind to tidy up while I went on to prepare the next lock. It seems to work for both of us.
He has been on his boat since last April, so has not even done a full year, but seems competent enough.
Tue, 18 Jan 20114 miles 6 locks
Arrived at Hemel Hempstead quite late, in the dark after a good days travel. Neither of us like to start out too early, would rather wait till what sun there is has warmed the air a little.
Been having a little trouble with the fire, it is just not coping with the cold as it was. I've cleaned the stack and thoroughly cleaned the inside but still it is being lazy, either that or it is colder outside than I think.

knocked on the door this evening, Haven't seen her for a long time, just over two years I think. Had a long natter and caught up on all the gossip.
Wed, 19 Jan 20111½ miles 5 locks
Moored up in the middle of nowhere so that Rob

can let his dogs out for a wander. They just will not come back to him when he calls and will wander forever, so he likes to keep them away from the roads. He lost one last year in a road accident.
Fri, 21 Jan 20113 miles 11 locks 1 swing bridge
All the way in to Berkhamstead today. Did a little shopping and settled down for a good nights rest, well earned after all that work today.
Found an arts and crafts shop that sells balsa wood. Purchased some with the idea of making a scale model of Almyne. I had the (ridiculous) idea of building a scale model of Almyne out of steel but with no equipment and no skill in that direction I will give that one a miss for the time being. Much better to work with something easier like wood.
Took some measurements from Almyne and transferred them to the wood and started cutting. It wasn't long before I realised that there is a lot more to building a boat than just gluing a few bits of wood together.
Sat, 22 Jan 2011Wandered back in to Berkhamstead today to get some more balsa. I could really get into this modelling lark, even though the first attempt is very crude.
Mon, 24 Jan 2011Woke up this morning and all the drawers in the bedroom were open. During the night the water level dropped a bit and Almyne is now sitting on the bottom (only just) on the bank side, leaning slightly, hence drawers open. Soon jumped off and pushed Almyne a little further out.

loves the pups, he spends as much time as he can playing with them, running up and down the bank, across the fields beside us and trying to encourage them to paddle in the stream.
I check the ten day forecast for the area that I am in every day and at the moment it seems to be saying that tomorrow will be sunny, then the following day it says that tomorrow will be sunny. I haven't given up hope that they will get it right.
It's only thirteen weeks to Easter!! and I haven't seen any Easter eggs in the shops yet. What are they doing? There's usually loads of stuff exhorting us to get Easter eggs already and to start preparing for Mothers day or perhaps I just haven't been to the shops recently.
Only four weeks till we put the clocks forward - spring must be on it's way. The only thing I hate about putting the clocks forward (and back) is having to wait up till two in the morning to do it, I never feel as if I get the benefit.
Sat, 29 Jan 20113 miles 3 locks
Moved on today, Rob

is still travelling with me, I think he will continue to do so till we get to
Braunston, where he intends to go off up the Leicester arm, while I am going round the other way to Oxford. He does want to meet up again in about a year because he wants D'fer

to sire one of his Belgian Shepherd bitches.
My sister rang last night and stayed on the phone chatting for ages. Trouble is, while she was chatting I was drinking whisky and lemonade (where have I heard this before).
Woke up this morning and I was still litsz, the boat wasn't, but I was. Anyway, moved on just three locks and two miles, can't go a lot further till the Marsworth locks are opened on 11th February. Stopped off near Tring station and walked a couple of miles to the nearest supermarket, did a big shop, to keep me going for a couple of weeks. Caught a taxi back (shared it with Rob) , saves carrying everything. I tend to make the best of going to a big supermarket and stock up. I purchased, amongst other things, 12 x 1 litre of Cranberry juice, half a dozen tins of salmon, tuna, sardines and a couple of bottles of whisky, brandy and vodka. Apart from bread I won't need a shop again for several weeks.
It started snowing as we set off today, but it only lasted for about ten minutes.
Stopped off at the boat yard, topped up on coal and gas. Stopped off at the facilities and got rid of all the rubbish and topped up with water.
I do really feel that spring is on the way, saw some 'lords and ladies' (I think they are called) pushing up through the leaves on the tow path and lambs tails on the trees as we were motoring.