Sat, 1 Nov 2008
8½ miles 1 lock
Planned on an early start to get to
Rugeley to do some shopping, mostly a good bone for D'fer

and some firelighters but got delayed by the guy on the next boat extolling the virtues of using ropes to pull another boat behind and the best way to link them together, I think I might just have the idea by now and might try it one day, but as the old saying goes 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' and what I am doing seems to work quite well as it is.
A couple of hours saw us at Rugeley where we did the shopping. It was more fun than we had envisaged as they had a little bit of a market in the square and we purchased an enormous box of button mushrooms for just two pounds, just too good a deal to miss.
Set off towards
Fradley junction again but three hours later and just a mile short we decided that as it was getting dark and neither of us are confident to try negotiating a lock in the dark we would moor up early.
It was a lovely spot with loads of space for D'fer to run and explore while Rosanne and I sorted out one or two little bits and pieces on Almyne.
Spent the evening planning what we are going to do with the garden shed, which I think we are going to call 'Dinky Doo' after a dinner of chicken and mushroom pie. It was mouthwateringly delicious with pastry that melted in the mouth and stuffed full of meat and mushrooms accompanied by carrots, cabbage and boiled new potatoes. What a way to end a day.
Sun, 2 Nov 2008
1½ miles 3 locks
After a late breakfast I took D'fer

for a walk along the tow path and into the bushes looking for pine needles. Found a suitable area and collected a bag full.
When Rosanne returned from visiting with her daughter she brought back a miniature besom and looking at it I decided that I might be able to make then with the appropriate bits. The pine needles might just make the brush part and it should be easy enough to fine suitable little sticks. The next step is to bundle them up and let them dry to see how they turn out, but that is for another day.
Just three locks into
Fradley junction and then about four hundred yards along the
Coventry canal to where Matt

and Ellie

are moored up.
Got there and saw Matt
on the opposite bank chopping wood. After a while he came back to the tow path side and joined us for a cup of coffee. Ellie was off somewhere at the time but turned up a short while later.
We spent the next few hours nattering and reminiscing and the next thing we knew it was time for dinner and bed.
Chicken chasseur with loads of button mushrooms - I am going to have to start watching my weight at this rate as I am being fed so well that I need an after dinner nap each day.
Mon, 3 Nov 2008Although we had only intended to spend a couple of days at Fradley, Ellie

and Matt

persuaded us to spend longer here. What we now intend doing is to take a few days out and try to get some work done on Dinky Doo. The first step is to get rid of the futon mattress and then make some steps to make getting in and out a little easier. The jump from the after deck to the cabin is less than two feet but still too much for a convenient step.
Made nine besom brushes during the course of the morning and then cut all the timber ready to assemble it into steps. Once Ellie and Matt
turned up again the rest of the day just disappeared and not a lot more was achieved but a great deal of fun was had.
Finished of the day with brisket that had been simmering on the fire all day with loads of button mushrooms, carrots and potatoes. It was the nearest thing to heaven that we have eaten for nearly a week.
Tue, 4 Nov 2008Matt

took me back to
Penkridge so I could pick up the Morris and when we got back Ellie

was there after finishing work. The rest of the day just disappeared and not a lot more was achieved but a great deal of fun was had.

arrived just after six, so we collected him from the pub and sorted out all his gear.
Tonight we enjoyed chicken that had been boiling quietly on the fire for several hours until the flesh just melted off the bones with mountains of button mushrooms and carrots topped off with mashed potatoes, at least as good as yesterdays dinner.
Sat nattering with Peter
for the evening.
Wed, 5 Nov 2008Matt

and Ellie

have run out of water. Trouble is they are pointing the wrong way for the water point. Reversing a boat is not as easy as reversing a vehicle. The slightest bit of wind, or even sometimes a duck swimming past can make the boat wander. There really is no steering in reverse.
Is was only about a quarter of a mile to the water point but that can seem like ten. As soon as the boat starts to wander off course the only way to get it back on line is to put it in forward and swing the nose around, but then, of course, you lose all your backward momentum and start going forward again.
put his boat in reverse and I stood on the for deck with a boat pole pushing the nose backwards and forwards to correct the drift. It worked really well and he was at the water point in no time.
Left him there and took Peter

to get his car, which we then moved to the next bridge along.
Brisket sandwiches for lunch and off into Lichfield to do some more shopping. Although we still have a chicken left we decided that tonight we would have spaghetti Bolognese (with loads of button mushrooms) for a change.
The supermarket had an offer on where you could choose any three items prices at four pounds for a tenner so we got the mince for the Bolognese, some pork chops and some smoked cod - well set up for the next few days.
Thu, 6 Nov 2008
9 miles
Took Peter

for a trip from Fradley to Streethay and a bit beyond to the winding hole. He took loads of video of the trip on his camera.
I know it was only a few miles there and back but it took nearly all day. Dinky Doo, now it is beginning to get loaded, was sitting further down in the water and causing the thrust of the propeller to be dissipated either side, so that is something else to ponder on. Maybe I will have to find a way of towing Dinky Doo on the end of a pole or something.
Smoked haddock with mushroom sauce and mashed potatoes for dinner, followed by a game of cards and a relatively early night as Peter
is leaving early in the morning.
Fri, 7 Nov 2008Peter

left just after nine and Rosanne and I hung around for most of the morning waiting for the weather to improve.

and Ellie

have an Aquavac for cleaning out the bilges, but they don't have a power supply dig enough to run it.
I have a big generator but no Aquavac.
Guess what- we got together and hoovered out both our engine bilges, so we now both have engine bilges that are (relatively) clean. The problem that I had been having with the diesel seep being cured it was sensible to get rid of all the nasty stuff, which, thanks to Matt, I have now done. I will keep an eye on it in future and if there seems to be a build up of anything other than water in the engine bilge I should be able to spot the problem.
One way and another it took most of the day as it is a mucky job and we had to empty the Aquavac into my 25 litre container several times, separating the water from the rest of the liquid so that we could decant it off making room for the nasties.
Steak pie and chips for dinner this evening, I made the pie, but Rosanne made the pastry. The only thing missing was the mushrooms!
Sat, 8 Nov 2008When I awoke this morning
And rose up from my bed
I found a little something
Just waiting to be read.
It said 'Happy Birthday'
And other words of care
It really made me feel quite good
So I went to brush my hair.
And in the mirror looking back
Another note I saw
It made my eyes light up right then
My mouth begin to grin.
So when I went into the loo
As is my want to do
I found another note for me
To stop me feeling blue.
And then at my next port of call
To make a cup of tea
I'll only give you half a guess
At what was waiting for me.
I went to light the fire
And stood against the door
A picture of me - freezing cold
And above it there was more.
This note said 'Happy Birthday'
With crosses placed below
By now the grin across my face
Showed how my heart was all aglow.
I sat down at the table
Felling really good
Another note stared back at me
I laughed, she knew I would
Everywhere I looked around
I do not mind which way
There positively could not be
A better way to start the day.
Finished making the steps for Dinky Doo, so now we can climb in and out without having to jump. Made a 'spacer' so that there is a gap between Dinky Doo and the back of Almyne and re-positioned the ratchet straps that hold them both together. It looks good, all I have to do now is take them both for a trip to see if it works as I hope it will.
During the afternoon we went into Lichfield to do a little shopping, just the basics, a couple of boxes of wine, a couple of cases of beer and some fire lighters.
Birthday dinner of casseroled pork with button mushrooms, carrots, Brussels and mash. We only have enough mushrooms left for perhaps two more meals, not bad for two pounds, maybe we should go back to
Rugeley to see if they have any more.
Sun, 9 Nov 2008Sunday is a day of rest, so they say.
Mon, 10 Nov 2008Monday, not a lot.
Tue, 11 Nov 2008Tuesday, took Rosanne back to
Wednesfield so that she can get ready to go down to Totnes to see her daughters graduation.
Wed, 12 Nov 2008Wednesday, set off fairly early to go to
Burbage , calling in at Watchfield on the way to collect Danu.
Got to Burbage around five ish and lit the fire with what coal remained in the coal shed.
Thu, 13 Nov 2008The guy who was coming to fit a new back door arrived to tell me that he would be fitting it on Friday, "No" I said, "I won't be here". So he will have to arrange another day.
Saw the lady from Kennet and sorted all that out and then took delivery of five bags of coal, that will keep me going a while.
Visited with mum

for the afternoon and I think I managed to sort out most of their problems with the computer. At least they can use the internet and print documents.
Fri, 14 Nov 2008Visited with Les and Joan

on the way down to Worthing to see Church

. Quite a long day but returned with a bench saw that will make a big difference to kitting out Dinky Doo.
Sat, 15 Nov 2008Collected all the bits and pieces that I wanted to take up to Dinky Doo, including a power plane and a jig saw. Both should be useful in kitting out Dinky Doo. Now all I need to do is decide HOW.
Sun, 16 Nov 2008Set off shortly after ten and when I got to Watchfield I spotted some roadkill, which reminded me that I had a brace of pheasants and two shoulders of venison in the freezer, so about turn and back to
Burbage .
Left Burbage shortly after twelve and arrived at Fradley around four, not bad going really, especially as I do not do motorways and I do not know the route either.
Used the last of the coal on board to light a fire for the evening and unloaded some of the goodies that I had brought up with me.
It was good being back on board after a week of 'normal' living.
Mon, 17 Nov 2008Started the day with Marmite on crackers, not a lot else to eat as I have not been shopping for a while.
With no coal left to light the fire I decided that the best way to keep warm was to tidy and clean Almyne, not that there is a great deal of point to it as D'fer

spends all day running in and out showing me how dirty he can get his paws and how wet he can get his coat, which he promptly shakes all over the place just to let me share in the fun.
After a thorough tidy up and clean Almyne did not look very different, but I felt better. I then collected the remaining bits and pieces from the Morris and stashed loads of stuff in Dinky Doo.
Chores done I could now go shopping, all I need is a loaf of bread, some eggs and some coal, so it should be fairly easy, or so I thought.
Off to Lichfield and drove around the town for half an hour or so looking for a supermarket. Found an Aldi, which normally would be fine but I do not particularly like their bread, so gave them a miss.
Not finding the right sort of shop in Lichfield I headed off towards
Tamworth hoping to see a farm type shop to get a 25 kg bag of potatoes on the way. I had seen several places advertising the 25 kg bags of Wilja potatoes for a fiver which is a good price.
Arrived at Tamworth and again I could fine no supermarket to purchase a loaf of decent bread. Ah ha! I thought, I know that there is a Morrisons in
Rugeley which is not far away, so headed off to Rugeley. Once in Rugeley I soon found Morrisons but then realised that the car park was pay and display and I had no cash at all. Parked in a side street and walked to Morrisons where I made my purchases, except for the coal.
Called in to a service station on the way out of Rugeley and got a bag of coal, Five pounds for a ten kilo bag, outrageous.
Then the fun started. By this time it was getting dark and in my attempts to get back to Fradley (which I might add is only sign-posted the once). I think I must have driven along every major road in the county. I nearly ended up on the M6 Toll road at one point which is at least ten miles from Fradley. D'fer by this time as getting a bit fed up and wanted to go to sleep on my arm. Now this is not a real problem but his head is very heavy and after a while makes my arm ache, but whenever I slide my arm out from under his head so that I can rest my arm on his head he sits up, looks around and then lies back down again, with his head on my arm. Occasionally I can persuade him to rest his chin on my lap, but it doesn't last long.
Back at Almyne the temperature had dropped to 51 F so the first thing to do was light the fire with the new bag of coal, mind you, at that price perhaps I should just keep warm by lifting it up and down.
Sausage, egg and potato for tea and then an early night, well as soon as the fire dies down anyway. Put the potatoes on while updating the web site, and guess what, I burnt them, so I will have to start all over again. Now I have a potato sitting in front of me while I type, just to remind me that they are on the stove.
Tue, 18 Nov 2008The first task of the day is to cut some firewood, so took D'fer

for a walk looking for suitable bits of fallen tree. As I found each piece I stood it up against a tree and carried on. When I decided that I had collected enough to carry I turned around and walked back to Almyne picking up the pieces that I had previously stood up against trees on the way.
Cut all that up and started a fire.

turned up and asked if I wanted him to get any coal as he was of to Tipton on errands and was getting some for himself at the same time. He left with my order and I decided to make the most of a sunny day and wash the top of Almyne down, so set about clearing everything off the top and stacking it on the tow path and giving Almyne a good wash. Several people walking along remarked that it looked as if Spring had come early this year, what with me Spring cleaning and all that.
With the top gleaming yellow, as it should be, rather than a mass of dead and dying leaves and rope marks in mud on the roof, I felt much better and quite proud of myself.
Put everything back on the top and stacked it up neatly and it still looked cared for and loved.
By this time it was getting dark, so I packed everything up and went inside for dinner, sausage and potatoes with beans and an egg.
turned up about half seven with my order of coal and we threw it on the towpath ready for me to load on to Almyne the following morning. I was not going to try clambering along the gunwale in the dark with a 25kg sack of coal on my shoulder. Chatted with Matt
and Ellie

for a while and told them that I was collecting Reefer tomorrow and that we would still be around for a few days.
Spent the rest of the evening doing the 'challenging' Sudoku puzzles in my Sudoku book. I managed to complete one of them and made mistakes of three others. Must practice more.
Wed, 19 Nov 2008Collecting Reefer today. Mooched around for most of the morning cleaning and tidying the inside of Almyne, emptying the porta pottie and getting rid of the accumulated rubbish of the past few days, and set off to
Wednesfield just after midday. Got to Wednesfield just after one and rang Reefer to see if she was ready. Yes, so called at the house to collect her. She had warned me that she had sorted out one or two bits and pieces that she wanted to bring back to Almyne but I had miscalculated on what a 'few' meant.
I had intended to do some shopping on the way back to Almyne but there was no room in the Morris anywhere for anything else so went straight back to Almyne and unloaded the Morris into Almyne. Matt

and Ellie

had moved on and I wondered why as they had not said anything the previous evening, but hey, that's life on the cut. Had a cup of tea and a rest and then drove in to Lichfield to get a couple of bottles of wine, some lager and a pint of milk and a loaf of bread, you know, all the essentials.
Back at Almyne Reefer spent the evening rearranging her drawers to accommodate some of the items that she had brought with her and I kept out of her way.
We had both missed our evening game of Skip-bo so stayed up quite late playing cards and catching up on events.
Thu, 20 Nov 2008

We have been here quite a while with the intention of working on Dinky Doo but so far have not really got anywhere apart from making some steps (which are too small and too many of them really) and washing the roof off.
The first real task is to plan the layout, so with this in mind Reefer and I clambered aboard and made some basic decisions about what we wanted where. The only firm decision we made was that there needed to be a seat just inside the back doors on the port side, then a fold up (down) table and another seat, so that Reefer can give Tarot readings.
Placed my fishing box in the position that we planned to put the first seat and tried it for size. It worked.
I then started measuring up Dinky Doo inside so that I could produce some 'plans' to draw on to help visualise the internal layout.
We eventually decided on a long bench type seating arrangement on the port side, with storage under and a table/storage area on the starboard side starting at the front and coming back about two thirds of the length of the cabin.
The seating portion should be capable of converting into a very small double or a large singe bunk.
We were both very pleased with the planned arrangement which we feel is both practical and aesthetically pleasing, while at the same time giving us everything that we had envisaged for a garden workshop/shed. We just have to implement the plans now.
Dinner of Venison which had been simmering on the fire for a good part of the day, it was wonderful.
I was shattered and went to be fairly early, Reefer saying that she would not be long herself. However, after a couple of Sudoku puzzles she decided to try plucking the two pheasants that were hanging in the galley and eventually retired to bed around five o'clock, leaving a trail of feathers after her. I was surprised at how few feathers were hanging around as I know that when I pluck birds I manage to get them everywhere.
Fri, 21 Nov 2008As soon as I got up I prepared the pheasants for the pot, after all if Reefer had put all that effort in to plucking them it was only fair that I should do my bit.
Time to go shopping. Set off for Cannock where the first stop was Big D, a home wear store that we had spotted last time we were there.
Reefer had a whale of a time choosing various bits and pieces and I thoroughly enjoyed myself just browsing. After that we found a B & Q where we wandered around just getting ideas for finishings for a while and pricing up some of the items that we think we might need for Dinky Doo.
This was followed by a trip to the supermarket to stock up on essentials that we were running low on. One of the essentials is a 25kg bag of potatoes but I am not paying supermarket prices for them as I have seen them advertised along the roadside for £5, will wait till we spot one of these roadside shops as we still have half a sack of new potatoes left on Almyne.
Sat, 22 Nov 2008The sun was up and shining brightly, but the batteries were so low that they would not start the engine. Switched over to the starter battery, started the engine then switched the leisure batteries in to circuit.
Emptied Dinky Doo to take some photos of her empty. Repacked Dinky Doo and started making the shaped bearers for the first seat. Got the first two made and was just about to check that they matched for height when Matt

and Ellie

arrived with Jack to say hello.
We had thought that they had moved on because we had overstayed our welcome but it turned out that their boat had been scraping along some stones in the canal and they were worried that it would wear away at the steel work so had moved to a clearer mooring just a couple of hundred yards along the towpath.
About five they left and Reefer and I got ready to go to see Kaz and Luke at Corby services. Planned a route that should take us to the back entrance of the services as I wanted to avoid taking the Morris along the motorway if at all possible.
Found the back entrance after a few wrong turns in the dark just before seven so we were about an hour early, but no worries, better to arrive early and wait in the warm than arrive late and miss them.
They had set out from Cornwall early in the morning to deliver presents to their family all over the country and were on their way back home to Cornwall.
They arrived just after eight and Reefer and Kaz had a joyful reunion. It was nice to see Reefer so happy, not that she is anything else most of the time.
Got back to Almyne just before midnight and stayed up playing cards for a few hours. With the fire stoked up and the rain on the outside of Almyne drumming on the roof we felt really cosy and comfortable. Round about three it was getting a little too hot inside so I lifted the hatch and propped it up on a stick to give us some fresh air, It was then that we noticed that it was snowing. Opened the back doors and there was a good half inch of snow on the stern rail. Collapsed in to bed just before four looking forward to waking up in the morning to a thick layer of snow on the ground and maybe a layer of ice on the cut just for good measure.
Sun, 23 Nov 2008

Woke up around midday expecting to see a layer of snow everywhere, but no, it had all melted.

and Ellie

turned up a short while after and we sat around nattering and putting the world to rights for a while. Ellie and I walked up to the facilities at Fradley to get rid of some rubbish while Matt
drove up there with the old futon. Chores done for the day we all settled down for some serious drinking of tea and coffee.
By the time four o'clock came around we were all 'tea'd and coffee'd out' so opened some cans of lager. Reefer put the joint of pork on and since it was so large we invited Matt
and Ellie to stay for dinner. Ellie prepared the Brussels and Matt
went back to their boat to get some potatoes so that we could have mash with dinner. We had run out of normal potatoes and only have a half sack of new potatoes left, so mash made a nice change.
prepared the potatoes and with everything ready, just waiting on the pork to finish we resumed our cerebrations of life the universe and everything for another couple of hours.
Dinner, when it arrived, was superb and there was nothing left on any of the plates for the dogs to clear up so I fed them with their ordinary food for a change.
Once they had finished their meal and wandered around outside for a while they settled down to digest the intake, cuddled up to each other.
and Ellie retired to their boat just after midnight and Reefer and I ended the day with a game of cards before retiring to bed in a state of exhaustion.
Mon, 24 Nov 2008Woke up to sunshine again. Got up, lit the fire and went to start the engine. With another late night the batteries were well down again so went to switch the starter battery in and realised that I had not switched it out since last time I had used it to start the engine a couple of days ago. Now, not only were the leisure batteries flat but the starter was flat as well. Nothing for it but to go and get the starter battery from the Morris. Fortunately it is quite a small battery so not too heavy to carry the few hundred yards from the car to the boat. Connected it up with the jump leads that I carry and started Almyne. Disconnected the Morris battery and hauled that back to the Morris. Replaced it and started the Morris, just to make sure it was OK. Left the engine running for a few moments to give it a bit of a boost.
Must remember to disconnect the starter from the circuit on Almyne when the batteries have finished charging this time.
Tue, 25 Nov 2008
7 miles
Need gas. Took Almyne down to Streethay, leaving Dinky Doo where it was, and got a new bottle of gas. Very pleasant journey, although a bit on the cold side.
When we got back to Fradley we went up to the facilities and did all the good stuff to make sure that we are set to go on to
Braunston .
Pulled Dinky Doo back to Almyne and hooked her up with just the cross straps to see if it works.
That took nearly all day and after an evening meal of 'Scouse' we settled in to play cards.
Wed, 26 Nov 2008There is a Scottish guy on the boat behind us and I have been told that he is good at welding, so I asked him if he could weld a couple of rings on to the gunwales either side to replace the mushroom on top. Matt

and Ellie

have rings on their gunwales and it strikes me as a better idea than the mushroom on top that we have (and nearly lost in one of the big locks). Anyway, we discussed it for some time and eventually came up with a solution that will not set Almyne on fire (because of the insulation that might catch fire if we tried welding the rings on) and where to get the requisite bits.
Set off to find the place that stocks the right bits and pieces, but got waylaid by an Arts and Crafts centre on the way. Spent some time wandering around there and eventually got to go shopping in Lichfield to stock up ready for the trip down to
Braunston . When we got back to Almyne Matt
helped me to carry everything from the Morris to Almyne, a sack of potatoes, a big bag of D'fer's food, 84 cans of Lager (it was on very special offer) 4 boxes of wine and four big bottles of Rosanne's favourite wine. It was quite a hefty load. Matt
joined us for a lager later and Ellie turned up after work. She was very tired and kept falling asleep in the middle of a sentence, so they both left quite early and Rosie

and I stayed up playing cards till quite late and drinking our new purchases.
Thu, 27 Nov 2008Didn't do a lot today. Rosie

spent all day packing to go back to
Wednesfield and Jim

collected her about seven.
Did the engine checks ready for an early start in the morning and motored about two hundred yards down to the bridge so that Jim
would not have quite do far to carry everything. During this short trip I decided that just cross straps on Dinky Doo were not good enough, so must put on the straight ones as well tomorrow.
Early night (and quiet) without Rosanne.
Fri, 28 Nov 2008
8 miles
Decided that the straight straps make a big difference so connected them up to Dinky Doo and adjusted all the straps and ropes so that not only did they do their job but they do not get in the way. There is nothing worse than trying to moor up and fighting with odd bits of rope and strap that are not needed at the time.

popped along just before ten and we chatted for a while, told him that I expected to be in
Fazeley by Monday, but that there really is no rush. He is getting concerned that he hasn't found work yet.
Set off sometime after ten and motored for two hours, until my hands started to hurt with the cold. It was a sunny day with little wind, but the chill still seeps into the exposed portions of your body.
Broke off between half twelve and two for a cup of tea and a bite to eat. Some passers by told me of a sunken boat further along the cut so I wandered along there with D'fer

to see what it was like. Well sunken, just a pity I did not have my camera with me to take some piccies. BW are aware and have a notice on it saying that they are sorry for the obstruction and that they will be moving it on - well that bit of the notice was left blank.
Set of again at two for another hour and a half, reaching the Military Firing Range at
Hopwas . On the opposite side of the canal to the tow path there was a short length of piled bank with mooring points on it so I moored up there. Just behind it is a (reputedly) pagan altar amongst the rocks. Pictures tomorrow if the light is better.
D'fer was in his element rushing around in the woods from here to there and back again. After about half and hour, just as I got the fire going, he turned up with another dog in tow, both of them chasing each other and bundling as if they had been friends for years. Shortly after the owner turned up and we decided to let them have a good play while we had a cup of tea. Unusually she took her tea black with honey and lemon, so I was able to oblige. We chatted about this and that and when the two dogs eventually collapsed on the bank she took her leave and went on her way.
Early night after a few sudoku puzzles.
Sat, 29 Nov 2008

Pagan Site2

Pagan Site
After taking D'fer

for a long walk through the Military Firing Range (there were no danger flags showing) I spent the day between collecting wood, cutting it and burning it. It seems to burn almost as quickly as I can cut it and put it on the fire.
Between times I did some work on the web site and lots of emailing.
Took some photos of the pagan altar in the hollow glen. People obviously use it for fires and picnics as the remains of their activities are abundant.
I did have time to empty the shower room (sounds grand) and thoroughly wash it from top to bottom, something that I have been meaning to do for some time, and re-pack it.
More wood cutting and more D'fer walks. More emailing and more web site updating.
Where I am moored up there are trees all around and with an overcast sky it is dull at the best of times. With no moon it gets dark at about half four, and I mean DARK. There is no light pollution from anywhere and by half five it feels like midnight.
No wonder I don't get much done during the day, it is so short.
Sun, 30 Nov 2008
2 miles

The Hearth2

The Hearth
Can't spend all my time hanging around in pretty places, Matt

is expecting to pick me up from
Fazeley sometime later on today to collect the Morris.
Set off just after sunrise (about ten) and after an hour and a half pulled over to warm up. Mooring up only took about twenty minutes. It is surprising how stiff the fingers get when cold and how difficult it is to thread a half inch rope through a three inch hole in the mooring pin in that state.
Into Almyne and put the kettle on (five minutes) get the tea bag out of the caddie (one minute), a spoonful of honey in the cup (one minute) - forget the lemon. Warmed up my hands over the kettle and by the time it was boiling I had got some movement back into them, what a relief.
Still two miles from Fazeley, but the mooring looks good so decided to stay here today and hope that it warms up tomorrow.
With a hot cup of tea inside me and a hot kettle inside my hands, I soon became mobile enough to light the fire - things are looking up.

meanwhile was off introducing himself to the new neighbours about two hundred yards back along the tow path. I wandered along to recover him and got chatting to them. Apparently there is a retail park just a few hundred yards away with everything anyone could want. Walked along there and checked it out. A DIY store with wood that is the size I want. Purchased a pack of that and took it back to Dinky Doo trying hard to convince D'fer that it was NOT a big stick that I was going to throw for him. He was telling the whole world that I was going to throw it for him any time now, really, any second, you wait, he will throw it, I'll be on top of it before it gets three yards, it's not too big for me, I can bring it back in one piece, oh go on, please.
Managed to get it back in one piece and returned to the supermarket for some bread and some fire lighters. It is the biggest supermarket I have seen for a long time and when I eventually left after walking all the aisles (just because it was so big) D'fer kicked off again. Why did you leave me here all alone for two days without food or water? I have had all sorts of people wanting to take me home and I have been having to fight them off, and that sort of thing. It takes him nearly ten minutes to let off steam at me, and even then he tries to trip me up by chewing my shoes while I walk.
That's about it for the day.