Mon, 25 Feb 2008
Finish pub sitting (and sorting out all the administrative bits to spend time away from home). Mid March
Motor down to
Bath - 2 weeks
Head back to
Reading - 4 weeks
Up the
Thames - 1 week
Up the
Oxford - 2 weeks
On to Wheaton Aston - 4 weeks
Once I get to Oxford I will be passing through
Banbury ,
Coventry and
Tamworth and onwards.
My computer has spent the last three days working for me. Because it is occupied I have difficulty using it for other things, but here is a break.

has discovered that he can put his ball on the desk and I will throw it back on the floor - just what he wants, so I must resist the impulse to do so, otherwise he will pester forever.
One of the reasons that I like the canal is that it is only four feet deep. If I fall in I can stand up and still breath. I used to be able to swim, but that was a long time ago and not wearing all my clothes and probably boots as well. Anyway, I don't think that falling in is a problem, I haven't done it yet, by the simple expedient of not going outside the cabin after the first four whiskys. (I get silly after whisky and it makes me frisky).
Actually in some ways I wish I didn't have this pub sitting job as it is getting in the way of starting my journey, but a) I need the money and b) the fast internet connection with unlimited electricity is useful at the moment. I will need the same facility sometime again in May, but I will sort that nearer the time.
Got one of my favourite DVDs on at the moment, it is Paint your Wagon and it has got to the bit where Lee Marvin is singing "I was born under a wandering star", I can relate to that.