1st June 2012
Hung around at Charity Dock for a few days getting Clive's cruiser ready to travel, the only fly in the ointment is that his outboard does not work. Ho hum, guess I will be towing him around for a while.
2nd June
Marston Junction to Atherstone, 10 miles repeat
Towing Gulliver is much easier than towing Almyne Too was. I think that the draft of Gulliver is much less than Almyne Too so the wash from Almyne does not get dissipated in the same way as it used to.
4th June
Atherstone to Alvecote, 7 miles 11 locks repeat
Used the facilities at the top lock before going down the flight.
At least they both fit in a 70 ft lock together. With me towing the cruiser, Clive races from one lock to the next in his car and is generally there before me with the lock ready, so all I have to do is go in and let Clive work the lock for me. Not entirely sure that this is a good idea as I am getting very little exercise.
Clive did a wonderful job of working the locks and rushing back to his car to get to the next section before I did. Long day and moored up close to The Samuel Barlow for an evening drink.
8th May 2012
New water tank arrived, just needs to be painted and installed.
I had already organised with Alex to make me a new water tank and when it was delivered Clive and I set to to fit it, after I had given the inside two coats of potable bitumen.
9th May 2012

Painted tank, inside and out.
The pictures show the before and after on the outside but I couldn't get any pictures of the inside with me in there as there wasn't room.
10th May 2012

Today we cleaned and prepared the area for the new water tank.
With a new bigger better water tank I will be able to re-arrange the cratch so that it is usable.
Bench seat either side with a little table at the front, I might even be able to have breakfast in there.
15th May 2012
Wow it actually fits.
Now to make bearers to hold the floor that will sit on top of the tank but not actually press on it.
24th May 2012

Almost done, what a mammoth task that was.
Now to cut a sheet of ply for flooring over the new tank and install it on the bearers already fitted.
Had to make sure to leave a 'hatch' that can be removed to get to the tank so that the annual 'blacking' of the inside of the tank can be done. This is to ensure that the water remains drinkable and does not get contaminated with rust, which although will not kill you does look a bit unsightly when making a cup of tea. After all, who wants red tea.
25th May 2012
The plan now is to head off to the Erewash as I have not done the Erewash before.
26th May 2012
27th May 2012