Wed, 1 Dec 2010
Coal boat arrived today. I still had four bags left so eight bags of coal has lasted me twelve days, about two bags every three days. I must keep an eye on it as although he goes past fortnightly, there will be a three week break over Christmas.
Thu, 2 Dec 2010
Spent most of the day changing the oil in Almyne, hadn't been done for about two years so it was a little on the thick side. But now there is fresh clean oil inside the engine she sounds much nicer and smoother. Planning to do another in a few weeks to get rid of the rest of the accumulated gunge in the sump.
Mon, 6 Dec 2010
Been here much too long, beginning to sprout roots.

has done an oil change for me, tinkered with the throttle and adjusted the fan belt. Sounds a lot nicer now. As I haven't done an oil change for nearly three years Clive suggests that I do another one fairly soon, sounds like good advice to me.
Thu, 9 Dec 2010
3 /12 miles

View from Cowley bridge
Set off towards Bulls Bridge and within thirty minutes the ignition light came on. Pulled over, moored up and checked the fan belt - shredded. Good job I carry a spare. Fitted the new one and carried on. Ice on the canal varied from quarter of an inch thick to nearly an inch and a half, getting thicker the closer I got to Bulls Bridge. At Bulls Bridge it got even thicker and it took me half an hour to break my way to the mooring point.
Did some shopping and settled in for a quiet evening, not going any further today.
Fri, 10 Dec 2010
5 miles
Fairly uneventful journey from Bulls Bridge to Greenford, breaking ice most of the way, the thickness again varying.
When I got to Balls Bridge the ice there was thick enough to impede progress, about an inch and a half thick. Stayed overnight and set off again today through ice that varied between quarter inch and just over an inch. Whenever I travel through ice the noise makes me think of the Titanic. I know that there is no comparison, but I hate to think what the sharp hard edges of the broken ice are doing to Almyne. The bow breaks the ice up into big chunks either side and some of them work their way along the bottom of the boat coming up again near the propeller. It sounds like ice cubes in a blender, but much more so.
Sat, 11 Dec 2010
6 miles
Set off again this morning and almost all of the ice had melted. Travelling was really rather pleasant. With a predicted high of 7C today I think that is must have reached it as I was not at all cold. Mind you, still not going to travel for too long each day, there's no need.
Got to Kensall Green and there is a ramp sort of thing into the water. D'fer

could get in and out of the canal easily enough so he went for a swim. Only fetched the ball about half a dozen times before he decided that it was too cold after all. I had to tell him it was the 'Last Time' before he would fetch the ball, and he promptly headed off to Almyne, where I towelled him dryish. Then he pestered to go out again. I don't think he wanted to swim, just run up and down a bit to generate some heat.
Quiet journey in to Little Venice, not what it's cracked up to be, but still interesting nonetheless.
I have since found out that the ramps set into the side of the canal are for horses. Yes horses used to fall in from time to time when towing their boats and they have to have somewhere to get out.
Sun, 12 Dec 2010
3 miles 4 locks 1 tunnel
3 miles
Today I made it in to Paddington. Called in at the BW offices to collect my license (when I rang to re-new it I was told it would be waiting at their head office for me), but they knew nothing of it. Mind you, the building that houses BW is heavily security minded and I suspect that no-one gets in unless they have a prior appointment or are known to the reception staff. Anyway, they directed me to an information boat moored up along the Paddington arm.
Off I went, found the boat and sure enough they had my license for me.
With that sorted I returned to Almyne and set off towards Regents Park.
Made it through Maida Hill Tunnel and through Regents Park. Absolutely no mooring anywhere in Regents Park, such a shame, however it was interesting travelling along through the zoo and seeing the animals from the water.
Carried on to Camden, where there were no moorings available, so I missed going to the market, and moored up just short of Kings Cross for the night.
Mon, 13 Dec 2010
3 miles 4locks 1 tunnel
3 miles
Today I made it in to Paddington. Called in at the BW offices to collect my license (when I rang to re-new it I was told it would be waiting at their head office for me), but they knew nothing of it. Mind you, the building that houses BW is heavily security minded and I suspect that no-one gets in unless they have a prior appointment or are known to the reception staff. Anyway, they directed me to an information boat moored up along the Paddington arm.
Off I went, found the boat and sure enough they had my license for me.
With that sorted I returned to Almyne and set off towards Regents Park.
Made it through Maida Hill Tunnel and through Regents Park. Absolutely no mooring anywhere in Regents Park, such a shame, however it was interesting travelling along through the zoo and seeing the animals from the water.
Carried on to Camden, where there were no moorings available, so I missed going to the market, and moored up just short of Kings Cross for the night.
Tue, 14 Dec 2010
4½ miles 8 locks
1 mile
From Paddington down to Limehouse. Limehouse basin is meant to have good moorings, but I couldn't find any, so carried on to Bow Locks, where I moored up for the night.
The bank was way over the top of Almyne so I had to climb on to the top of Almyne to get on to the bank to moor up, and D'fer

was none too pleased either.
Wed, 15 Dec 2010
2 miles
10½ miles 12 locks
London really is not for me. Got to Enfield Lock, took one look at it and the river beyond and decided to give it a miss, maybe I will come back another day, or year, when the weather is better, but from my experience of London so far, probably not.
Thu, 16 Dec 2010
6 miles
Glad I've got coal on board as it is really cold outside and I cannot stay on the tiller for more than a couple of hours at a time. That, coupled with the short daylight hours and it is not surprising that my progress is slow, even though I did a lot yesterday, but I had a real purpose then.
Moored up at Alperton by the supermarket again, there isn't anywhere in London that I can let D'fer

roam as he is used to, so he is getting fractious.
Fri, 17 Dec 2010
11 miles
And some of the coldest eleven hours I have experienced since Canada. Travelled down from Alperton, and glad I did, motored through a blizzard, well it seemed like it to me out on the back deck, and the following morning we were six inches deep in snow and couldn't go anywhere even if we wanted to. But I made it to Cowley, where I intend to stay a while. There is a little supermarket close by and a bigger one about two miles away, so I should be able to stick it out till the spring.
Forecast looks as if I won't be moving for several days. D'fer

seems to be enjoying the snow, but only in short bursts.
Been invited to a barbecue on the tow path on Christmas eve - depends on how cold it is.
Fri, 24 Dec 2010
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the boat
Not a creature was stirring, not even a stoat
Except for my dog, D'fer's his name
And of course me, isn't that a shame
But that's not why I'm writing all this for you
I'm hoping next year will bring something new
To make your life good, the best year yet
One that you will never forget
Decorations up, and a Christmas tree too
Lights flashing in windows, red white and blue
Meat in the fridge and vegetables ready
A couple more drinks and I'll be quite heady
Have you hung out your stocking, by the chimney breast
Are you warm and content, enjoying the rest
It's quiet outside with the snow on the ground
All you can hear is a tinkling sound
I've coal on the roof, and wood in the box
Last night D'fer

and I were disturbed by a fox
So I think I'm prepared as I can possibly be
For a warm cosy night, watching TV
Whatever you want, I hope Santa's heard
Whether it's big or small, or brittle or furred
And he brings it to you, at this time of year
To fill your heart up, with the seasons cheer
Tue, 28 Dec 2010
Christmas is nearly over, the goose is all eaten up
Looking forward to new year, wondering what I'll sup
The days are getting longer, more time for fun and games
Time to think and plan, for all my new year aims
Want to get to York this year, that means travelling the Trent
I'm glad the work's done on the boat, I wouldn't want it bent
I think I need new batteries, mine are getting old
But it could just be, they're struggling against this winter cold
I should cut down on chocolate, I think I've had my fill
Some gentle walks to start me off, jogging fits the bill
Maybe I should de-tox after all this Christmas fare
Although I am not overweight, well as far as I'm aware
I'll still enjoy a glass of wine, or two, or three or four
The antioxidants are good for me, well that what my doctor swore
So not much changes next year, except where I travel too
If you won the lottery, tell me what you'd do