Wed, 1 Sep 2010
10 miles
Started off mid morning and cruised slowly down to
Tamworth where there is a big retail park. Didn't need much but it felt good knowing that I had everything on board to keep me going for a week or two.
Thu, 2 Sep 2010
7 miles 11 locks 1 swing bridge
Early start, heading off to new territory, doing the Birmingham and
Fazeley today.
It's a long time since I was single handed and even longer without something in tow. Narrow locks and going uphill, so when exiting each lock I could set Almyne going forward, put her in neutral and step off with the stern rope in my hand. As she exits the lock I throw the stern rope over the dolly post on the lock gate and start to close the gate. This stops Almyne and then gently brings her back as I close the gate.
Then I can walk over the gate, unhitch the rope, jump on Almyne and off I go. Beats the hell out of mooring up and going back to close the gate. Won't work on the wide locks going down the
Grand Union .
No rush, so I waited the statutory 15 minutes at several locks for a boat to come the other way and at one of them got chatting to a local boater. He warned me against mooring up too far into Birmingham and suggested that Curdworth would be a good place to overnight and give me a fighting chance to clear Birmingham the following day.
So that is what I did. A bit noisy as it is right underneath the M42 and the M6 toll, but I can always take my hearing aids out.
Fri, 3 Sep 2010
7½ miles 17 locks
1 miles 6 locks
Very early start, half seven with mist along the canal, as I have a lot of locks to do today.
The target is Camp Hill where there are secure moorings at a BW yard, even though it is in the middle of Birmingham.
From Salford Junction to Aston Junction and then along the Digbeth Branch to Bordesely was new, but the short stretch from Bordesely to Camp hill was a repeat.
Tied up just before four and had an early night absolutely exhausted, too tired even to take advantage of the washing machines at the facilities. Mind you, even if I had wanted to I couldn't have taken advantage of them, they have been removed!
Sat, 4 Sep 2010
14½ miles 11 locks
Early start again, but this time with the sun shining brightly. It was still a bit chilly in the cuttings.
Stopped off at Catherine de Barnes for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, even though it was still only half eleven.
Teamed up with a bunch of girls on a day boat, out for a hen day, through the
Knowle flight. This is the first of a great many double locks on the
Grand Union and is was a relief to have some help.
Moored up at the Black Buoy pub and put the ladder in the water for D'fer

to have a swim. He entertained the clients at the pub for quite a while.
Set off again just after four aiming to get to the top of the Hatton flight for the evening to give me a good start at them.
Approaching Kingswood Junction I was hailed by a guy on a boat. It was Clive

of Clive and Shelley

He and Shelley have split up and I spent the evening drinking evening coffees and sharing our experiences since we last met.
Mon, 6 Sep 2010
8½ miles 23 locks
After a lazy day yesterday, doing nothing and chatting with Clive, I set off at eight to tackle the twenty three double locks at Hatton.
Completed them just after four and moored up a short distance from Warwick, in time to miss the rain. Once the rain subsided I walked towards Warwick and found the supermarket that sits by the tow path. Did a little shopping for tea and returned to Almyne.
Tue, 7 Sep 2010
7 miles 10 locks
Moved all of 800 yards and then went shopping at the supermarket. It's so close to the canal that I can get all the heavy goods to Almyne in a shopping trolley. Beats the hell out of carrying it back in carriers. Once that was out of the way I set off again.
A good days travelling, teamed up with another boat for a few locks, which as always, made life easier.
Moored up at Long Itchington, where D'fer

insisted in having a swim, using the ladder to get out of the canal. I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but D'fer has learnt to climb out of the canal on a ladder which I put in for him. It amazes passers by.
Wed, 8 Sep 2010
8½ miles 13 locks
An early start on my own, but I was soon caught up by another boat, so again we shared locks. Stopped off at Calcutt locks to take on water and get rid of the accumulated rubbish, well both carrier bags of it. Only being half way through the afternoon I pressed on and eventually moored up near
Braunston , ready for another early start tomorrow.
Thu, 9 Sep 2010
3 miles 7 locks
1/2 mile
Although I had help through the locks again it was quite hard work and when it wasn't threatening to rain it was drizzling, so I moored up early.
This bit of the
Grand Union is sandwiched between the M1 motorway, the A5 and the railway. Even though, or perhaps it is because, I wear hearing aids the noise is terrible.
Fri, 10 Sep 2010
9½ miles
And into Gayton Junction. I have been looking for a boat yard where I can have Almyne lifted out, get a survey done (for insurance purposes) and get some welding done. I know that I need some welding done as I have found a big hole at the front on the port side, behind the 'D' bar.
There are other places that could do with attention too. So the idea is to talk to both boat yards here and see if it is possible.
Sat, 11 Sep 2010
Had a chat with both yards. The one at the junction can fit me in and is happy to let me use the welder just along the road (their welder is on holiday at the moment) but I need to see the manager.
He will be available on Monday.
Mon, 13 Sep 2010
What I need to do now is see if I can fill in all the spaces, or at least some of them, and perhaps put in one or two pearls of wisdom that have occurred to me over the past year while I have been absent from the internet.
Tue, 14 Sep 2010
This is kind of weird. I am working backwards, so you might find it has been very repetitive for a while.
Been working on the web site internals, so I must now start working on the content.
Wed, 15 Sep 2010
Well, well, well, here I am again.
Moored up outside the marina at Gayton junction, waiting for the manager to arrive (hopefully tomorrow) so that I can discuss having some work done on Almyne.
With all this time on my hands I have been re-vamping my web site to only display pages that have entries, nearly works. The only hiccup I have found so far is that working forwards in 2008, it stops at October 20th and won't go any further. I really don't know what the problem is, but if I stop to fix it I might never get on-line again.
Fri, 24 Sep 2010
At last, booked in for Monday. It has been a nightmare trying to see the manager, but it is all sorted now.
Sun, 26 Sep 2010
Well, here it is, Sunday again.
Sunday is a day of rest, the day when God fearing people go to church to pray to their Lord and Master. I've never understood the logic of spending a whole day talking to someone who is not in. God laboured for six days to make heaven and earth and all that is therein, but on the seventh day he rested, took the day off, relaxed away from the universe. So why try to talk to him when he is not there?
Mon, 27 Sep 2010

Boat out, surveyor surveyed, welder consulted, Chris depressed. Well not really depressed, just stunned by the overall cost of what needs to be done. Once it is all done Almyne should be good for a number of years to come. Won't go into all the technicals but in essence not only do the holes in the front need repairing (even if they are above the water line) but the edges that take all the wear when rubbing up against the bank are almost gone and need replacing.
The lift was worrying, I was going to say traumatic, but these people have done it many times before and I had confidence in them. I stayed to watch.
I will be staying on Almyne while she is out of the water and the work is done, which may cause some problems, like where do I empty the washing bowl, how do I get more water if I need it, can I run the engine to charge the batteries?
Tue, 28 Sep 2010

Work will proceed whether I am there or not, weather permitting. Rain could be the most expensive thing around at the moment. All the time it is raining there will be no work done, cannot weld in the rain.
I can use the extension from the boat yard, so mains electricity will be no problem. The only mains I need is for the computer, everything else is twelve volt.
I should be able to devote some time to getting the site up and running again, I haven't got anything else to keep me occupied.
Got lots of ideas to make the site better, well different, but the changes will probably not show up in the overall appearance.
One of the things I want to do is separate the 'mission' miles from the 'miles travelled'.
Wed, 29 Sep 2010

Rather than trying to get all the pictures of the lift on one day I am spreading them out one day at a time. This is where Almyne was out of the water, suspended, flying, most vulnerable.
Getting used to life on dry land, well sort of, there is no movement! no rocking from side to side. Normally there is the slightest of rock when moving up and down the boat and the legs get used to compensating for this, but it is just not there any more.
Several other boats have been taken out, blacked and put back in again while I have been here, and it's only a few days.
Another thing, I can't fish. To fish from the bank a local club permit is needed. Fishing from the boat is a little gray, but since permits are for fishing from the bank, they do not apply to fishing from the boat.
Thu, 30 Sep 2010

I actually spent most of this week at the bungalow. Most of this drivel is just to fill in space to get the pictures in.
The thoughts are genuine though.
I might get the opportunity to do some work on Almyne myself, but there is little point while the welder is grinding and welding as he makes quite a mess and any paint I put on would get spattered with those little tiny bits of metal that the grinder throws everywhere.
The boat yard has no problem with me running the engine and since it is air cooled it will not cause the engine any problem either, so batteries can be charged after all.